Company Analysis

Righthand helps companies set realistic targets by analyzing them. With our company analysis service, we enable our customers to reach their goals by identifying short, medium and long term goals, targets, strengths and weaknesses.

With our company analysis service, our customers will gain, 

– Recognizes their competitors and examines their competitive situation.
– They compare themselves with their competitors in a few points and show their differences.
– Determine what marketing and advertising strategies are.
– They calculate their budgets.
– Calculate their annual sales.

Stages of Company Analysis

5c Analysis

Swot Analysis

Righthand analysis its clients’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a unique way. It analysis the competitive position of its clients and creates a strategy appropriate to them

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Business Center Dubai World Central PO.Box:390667

RIGHTHAND Dış Ticaret A.Ş.
Çekmeköy İş Merkezi NO 1A/1 34782
İstanbul | Türkiye

RIGHTHAND Consulting GmbH
Neuer Wall 19 20354
Hamburg | Germany